Mali - Historic Sites and Cultural Landscapes of Manden

Kamabulon or Sacred Case of Kangaba: 11 ° 56 '31' 'N 8 ° 24' 37 '' W KurukanFuga Site: 11 ° 56 ° 998 '' N 8 ° 24 '420' 'W The Ark of Kamanjan: 12 ° 23 '111' 'N 8 ° 21' 598 '' W Kamablon or Sacred Case of Keniero: 12 ° 22 '934' 'N 8 ° 31' 269 '' W The property named "Manden Historical Sites and Cultural Landscapes" is a serial property consisting of Kamabulon, Kangaba sacred hut, Kurukan Fuga historical site, Kamablon, Keniero sacred hut and Kamandjan arch. The property is located in the Kangaba and Kati Circles, in the cultural area of ​​Manden, in southern Mali. In spite of the inscription of the four sites, taken separately, on UNESCO's Tentative List since 1999, 2009 and 2017 respectively, the inscription of the property, as a whole, is necessary in order for the nomination dossier to be Serial inscription of the property on the World Heritage List may be admissible. The four sites that make up the property "Historic Sites and Cultural Landscapes Manden" are remnants of the empire of Mali, founded in the thirteenth century by Soundjata Keita. This state formation, during its peak in the 14th century, stretched between the Sahara and the equatorial forest, the Atlantic Ocean and the Niger Loop.

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