USA - Hawaii - Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Postcard 1
Lava flow. Thanks to CYL who bought postcard from Hawaii. I mailed it to myself to a New Jersey address in 2019.

Postcard 2
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park with a lava tube emptying into the Pacific Occean. Thanks to Hanson of USA.

Postcard 3
Received a postcard set of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park thanks to YL who went to Big Island in Hawaii. Here are these postcards.

Postcard 4

Postcard 5
Kilauea Volcano is one of the world's most active volcanoes. Located in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park in the Big Island of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.

Postcard 6

Postcard 7
Thurston Lava Tube. Thanks to CYL for mailing from Singapore. 

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